As a little introduction let’s see what Alexander von Humboldt said about this place.
“Cotopaxi’s shape is the most beautiful and regular of all the colossal peaks in the high Andes. It is a perfect cone covered by a thick blanket of snow which shines so brilliantly at sunset it seems detached from the azure of the sky”.
Alexander von Humboldt, 1802.

The volcano of Cotopaxi is located in Ecuador, and it is one of the highest volcanos in the world, being just crossed by Llullaillaco with 6,739 meters of height in the border between Chile and Argentina. Cotopaxi is placed about 50 Km to South of Quito
Since 1738 already happened more than 50 eruptions in this volcano. Around the volcano there are numerous valleys formed by lahars. The city of Latacunga was already completely destroyed twice in result of the eruptions of this volcano. The most violent eruptions happened in 1744, 1768 and in 1877. The great last eruption happened in 1904, happening too some activity in 1942.

In the entrance of the ecological park Cotopaxi, you need to pay one tariff to enter ($1 the ecuatorians, and $10 the foreigners). This money is used to keep the track clean and with no ice on the way.
Under 3800 meters there is a museum where you can find the history of the volcano, we could observe a plain with desert vegetation in which deep Limpiopungo rests a little lake.This location is used as a camp field for the foreigns, and at 4500 meters you will find a shelter, to rest and drink some hot chocolate and food.

At the moment that's all I have to say about this place... I guess that's an incredible place with magnific views and probly you will enjoy.
your servant
Vinícius Marcílio
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