Bungle Bungle National Park is also of great significance of both cultural and spiritual to local settlers. It was year 1983 when a film tram discovered the area, yet there are already people lived there for how many years. The government established Bungle Bungle as Purnululu National Park in 1987 to preserve the importance of the area as well as its significance to the traditional settlers. Bungle Bungle is also known as Purnululu National Park. It is one of the popular travel spots for foreigners and it was situated in Western Australia. If you are interested to know what Purnululu means is, it's a Kiji term for sandstone. On the other hand, the origin name of “Bungle Bungle” is still unknown. This area is almost 5788 meters high from sea level. This park is popular because of its sandstone domes, that were formed 350 million years ago. You can see the domes on the edge of the range. You need to fly over the whole range to see a new area of domes in the making when an erosion happens in the center of the massif. At first look, you can easily say domes come in orange and grey combination. The banding of the domes happens because of the differences in clay content and presence of porosity on the sandstone layers. For a stunning and beautiful experience on Bungle Bungles, it is highly suggested to visit this place during dry season. It is an amazing experience also if you walk throughout the beautiful landscape with its sandstone domes. The plains come in lush and green for they are thickly covered of bright yellow Acacia flowers. Most of the activities in Bungle Bungle is walking. But that's part of it. You can't find the famous domes here if you don't walk. It's a good thing most of the walk is very open and sunny. And in your way, you can find jaw-dropping scenery such as domes and cliffs, chasms and rock pools. Take advantage too for sunset look out. There are two sunset lookout in Bungle Bungles. One is The Walinginjdji Sunsent Lookout which is close to the Visitor Center and Piccaninny Creek, it takes half an hour to get there. Take your time to explore this spot, so you will enjoy the beauty of Purnululu and get the most out of it. You will never be satisfied with your one day stay in Bungle Bungles, but that's enough time in absorbing the atmosphere.
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